Star Wars Battlefront II

Star Wars Battlefront II får nytt Blast-kart, Hero-skip og mer

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Star Wars Battlefront II fikk en del ekstra innhold kort tid etter at spillet ble lansert i fjor, men de har ikke tenkt å bare gi oss store oppdateringer. 2018s første oppdatering er nemlig ikke like stor når det kommer til hva den tilbyr innholdsmessig.

Ikke at jeg klager. Dagens oppdatering lar oss blant annet spille Blast-modusen på salte Crait, samtidig som vi nå får mulighet til å kontrollere Iden sin TIE Interceptor i Starfighter Assault. Sistnevnte har egenskaper som afterburner, laser barrage, dual proton torpedoes og inferno leader som markerer alle fiender innenfor et bestemt område mens disse fiendene samtidig vil ta ekstra mye skade fra alle på laget ditt.

I tillegg til dette er det også gjort flere endringer av våpen, Heroes/Villians-figurer og ulike figurklasser. Nærmere detaljer om disse finner du under:

Hero alterations
Finn: Reduced base damage of his EL-16 from 65 to 45
Finn: Reduced the time before heat cooldown kicks in from 3.5 to 1.5 seconds
Finn: Reduced damage of each Deadeye shot from 40 to 30
Phasma: Reduced the heat generated per shot of her F-11D
Lando: Fixed a bug where Maximized Efficiency was not properly granting cooldown reduction
Boba Fett: Reduced the damage per rocket of Rocket Barrage from 90 to 78
Boba Fett: Reduced the inner damage radius for each rocket of Rocket Barrage from 2 to 1.5 meters
Boba Fett: Reduced the outer damage radius for each rocket of Rocket Barrage from 4 to 3 meters

Classes and special unit alterations
Wookiee Warrior: Reduced Bowcaster center projectile damage multiplier from 1.3 to 1
Wookiee Warrior: Lowered Bowcaster fall off distance at the start from 20 to 10 meters & at the end from 30 to 25 meters
Wookiee Warrior: Reshuffled Bowcaster explosion damage and projectile damage to make falloff have higher effect
Wookiee Warrior: Increased Bowcaster heat per shot
Specialist: Reduce size of scope glint
Specialist: Added scope glint to the following long range weapons: EL-16HFE, A-280, Pulse Rifle, and Captain Phasma's F-11D
Specialist: Reduced heat per shot for the following long range weapons: Valken-38X, E-5S, DLT-20A, DLT-19x, A180, and DLT-19D
Specialist: Increased the bursts per minute of all Infiltration variants from 100 to 130
Heavy: Reduced the AOE of Supercharged and Explosive sentry
Heavy: Increased heat per shot for Supercharged Sentry from 0.015 to 0.017
Officer: Reduced explosion damage when turret is destroyed by blaster fire from 150 to 25

Weapon alterations
CR2: Lowered start damage from 17 to 16
CR2: Lowered end damage from 9 to 8
CR2: Reduced damage falloff end distance from 40 to 30 meters
Barrage: Reduced inner blast radius from 3.5 to 2 meters
Barrage: Increased outer blast radius from 5 to 6 meters
Barrage: Increased explosion damage from 55 to 100
Blurrg-1120: Reduced falloff start distance from 20 to 15 meters
Blurrg-1120: Reduced start damage of Explosive Shot from 29 to 26
Blurrg-1120: Reduced end damage of Explosive Shot from 10 to 8
Blurrg-1120: Reduced inner blast radius of Explosive Shot from 0.8 to 0.7 meters
Blurrg-1120: Reduced outer blast radius of Explosive Shot from 2 to 1.8 meters
Blurrg-1120: Reduced accuracy of the final shots when Burst Mod is equipped
Trip Mine: Increased the number of mines that can be deployed at the same time from 1 to 2
Trip Mine: Raised the time until the mines disappeared after death from 5 to 15 seconds

General alterations
Fixed a bug where both the Officer's Recharge Command and Finn's Big Deal abilities were not affecting Heroes or Special Units properly
Fixed an issue where each sector on the minimap would not light up properly the first time an enemy fired
Reduced fade in time for a minimap sector from 0.3 to 0.1 seconds
Stability improvements
Misc. bug fixing

Star Wars Battlefront II

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